Policosanol 10 mg.
Benefits of Policosanol 10 mg Supplements:
- Helps maintain cholesterol levels already in the normal range
- Works in conjunction with a healthy diet and lifestyle
- Delivers 10 powerful mg. of protection
Studied extensively in Cuba, policosanol is derived from the waxy part of the sugar cane and supports heart and cholesterol health. The constituents of this waxy part supply what many consider to be a perfect balance of hexacosanol, octacosanol, and triacontanol that benefit healthy lipid levels already in the normal range. These three constituents are long-chain alcohols derived from natural fats and oils. In recent years policosanol supplements and policosanol tablets have increased in popularity due to their potential for cardiovascular support.
Top Ways to Help Manage Your Cholesterol
Not all cholesterol is bad. The key is making sure your "good" cholesterol and "bad" cholesterol have a good balance. You can help maintain healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels with various methods described below. But first, a few cholesterol basics.
Cholesterol Facts
Cholesterol: White, waxy, oily fatty substance made by your body and also found in animal fats such as meat, dairy and eggs. Contrary to popular belief, cholesterol is essential for proper brain function, protects cells against free radicals and helps the body's production of vitamin D and hormones such as estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Cholesterol doesn't mix with your blood, so it must combine with other proteins called lipoproteins (LDL or HDL) to circulate through your blood. High cholesterol can be caused by what you eat, what you weigh, your activity level, age, gender, family history, medications and smoking.
LDL "Bad" Cholesterol: Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) transport cholesterol to your body's tissues. LDL cholesterol becomes harmful when it gets oxidized by free radicals. Too much LDL cholesterol is bad for your heart, arteries and overall health.
HDL "Good" Cholesterol: High density lipoproteins (HDL) scavenge LDL cholesterol and transport it to your liver for breakdown into harmless substances. Your body can do this, but the process requires nutrients often missing from modern diets. This is why you want to raise your body's level of HDL cholesterol, because it can help protect your heart.
Triglycerides: Most fats in your body, as well as in foods, exist in this chemical form. What most people don't know is triglycerides are found in blood plasma and, along with cholesterol, form plasma lipids. Excess triglycerides may damage your health, especially your heart.
Top Ways to Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Levels
- Eat less trans fats and more fiber. The leading heart-health experts state that diets high in trans fats and saturated fats can lead to clogged, unhealthy arteries. Steer clear of things like margarine, vegetable shortening and meat fats. Instead eat more fiber-rich foods.
- Move around. Even a brisk, 15 minute daily walk will help your body and your heart.
- Read food labels. Aim to keep saturated fat below one gram per serving and total fat less than four grams per serving. You may be shocked at how much saturated fat is found in something as "healthy" as a veggie burger.
- Know your numbers. Rising cholesterol levels have been associated with heart issues. Have your cholesterol levels checked regularly and work with your doctor on a plan that's right for you.
- Give supplements a try. Look for high quality supplements that work to maintain healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels already in the normal range. This is what has made a policosanol supplement part of a daily routine for many health-conscious individuals.
Implementing a few of the ideas above could go a long way to helping you manage cholesterol levels naturally. Give them a try today.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. |