Black Walnut Green Hulls Liquid Extract
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Benefits of Black Walnut Green Hulls Liquid Extract:
Native to North American, the black walnut tree (juglans nigra) can reach heights of up to 40 feet. Its bark is deeply grooved and dark gray or black in color. The black walnut tree is mainly known for its beautiful, hard wood and tasty nuts, which are a baker's favorite for cakes and cookies. Over the centuries the black walnut tree has also been prized by herbalists who value its bark, leaves and green hulls of the nuts to maintain good health. Black walnuts are thought to deliver compounds that play a role in general health and wellness.
Works Quickly, Completely
Liquid extracts work faster and more completely than other forms of supplementation. There are no pills to swallow, no herbs to press, or tea to steep. Plus, liquid nutrients are absorbed quickly, so they get to work right away.
What's more, liquid extracts preserve active constituents and have a very long shelf life. They are also the ultimate in convenience - just add them to water, tea, or juice and enjoy a tasty, nutritious boost at home, work, or on-the-go. Our Black Walnut Green Hulls liquid extract is packaged in a brown, light-resistant bottle with easy-to-use dropper.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. |