Lily of the Valley Oil & Readings
Lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis) is a perennial flowering herb native to cooler temperatures in the Northern hemisphere. It grows wild in woodlands reaching heights of 6-12 inches and spreads extensively via underground stems. Other names include Jacob’s ladder, Our Lady of Tears, Mary’s tears and May bells, the latter most likely because it typically flowers in May. In fact, if you were born in May it’s your birth flower.
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Lily of the Valley Healthy Insights:
Lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis) is a perennial flowering herb native to cooler temperatures in the Northern hemisphere. It grows wild in woodlands reaching heights of 6-12 inches and spreads extensively via underground stems. Other names include Jacob’s ladder, Our Lady of Tears, Mary’s tears and May bells, the latter most likely because it typically flowers in May. In fact, if you were born in May it’s your birth flower.