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Berberine for Natural Weight Loss Support

Berberine for Natural Weight Loss Support

In This Healthy Insight:

  • What Does Berberine Do
  • What is Berberine
  • How Does Berberine Work
  • Connection Between Insulin and Weight Loss

You may have noticed berberine’s been trending on social media as a natural alternative to weight loss. In addition to weight management, it’s also been touted for blood sugar and cardiovascular support. Could berberine be a good addition to your health and wellness routine? Discover for yourself!

What does Berberine do?

  • Influences metabolism and insulin function
  • Helps control how the body breaks down and uses energy
  • Promotes natural weight management
  • Supports blood sugar and cholesterol levels already in the normal range
  • Contributes to a healthy cardiovascular system

What is Berberine?

A yellow-colored compound, berberine (Berberis aristata) belongs to a class of alkaloids and is found in various plants including goldenseal, tree turmeric, Oregon grape and European barberry, among others. It has a long history of use in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine. For centuries it’s been used for a wide range of health concerns including digestion and skin issues, and more recently for supporting cholesterol, blood sugar and weight loss.  

How does Berberine work?

When you ingest a supplement, it goes into your bloodstream, travels and binds to select cells. But rather than affecting one system, berberine affects multiple systems in your body.

Scientists believe many of berberine’s benefits are related to its involvement in an enzyme known as AMPK (adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinease). This enzyme, sometimes referred to as a “master switch” for metabolism, influences cellular energy and impacts many other bodily processes including metabolic function, insulin function, cardiovascular and cholesterol health and weight management. 

What is the insulin and weight loss connection?

When you think of insulin, you probably think of blood sugar management, but insulin also manages fat and protein metabolism. When insulin levels are out of whack, it sets off improper signaling throughout your body. Your glucose levels dip, you continue to eat because you’re hungry, your body ends up storing excess glucose as fat, and you gain weight.

Berberine promotes a healthy response to insulin and enhances the movement of glucose into your cells. It also affects how glucose gets used. Once your cells have the proper amount of glucose, you’re less hungry, you eat less and weight loss goals can be achieved.

As always, before you add any supplement to your wellness plan, it’s best to speak to your health care professional. Millions swear by berberine. See if it’s right for you!

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