Go Green for Earth Day and Every Day! Eco-Friendly Ways to Boost Health
April 19, 2024
What began as a grassroots movement in 1970 has now become a worldwide environmental movement, now observed by 192 countries. Celebrated on April 22, Earth Day is the day we focus on our environment and how to make humanities values coincide with environmental protection, doing what we can for a greener tomorrow. Here are 20 ways you can recognize Earth Day every day.
In This Healthy Insight:
- Get in Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Lifestyle
- Here are the top 5 “beauty” chemicals to avoid and why
- Tips for thinking Globally and Acting Locally for Earth
- Other Ways You Can Go Green

Get in the Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Lifestyle
- Reduce. If you haven’t already, now’s the time to go paperless with your bills, banking and subscriptions you receive by mail.
- Reuse. Instead of using one-time-only paper and plastic goods, go for a reusable option. Rather than buying bottled water, use a water purifier and refill an old, clean bottle.
- Always recycle. Recycle bottles, paper, plastic, cardboard, and aluminum. Most local communities collect other more hazardous items like prescription medications, latex paint, batteries, fluorescent bulbs, and electronics which create unique problems for landfills.
Get great recycling tips at https://www.greencars.com/expert-insights/pro-tips-for-home-recycling. Being knowledgeable about what is recyclable can help save energy and natural resources, reduce waste in landfills and our carbon footprint overall.
Here are the top 5 “beauty” chemicals to avoid and why.
- BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) and BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene). These preservatives are mainly used in moisturizers and lipsticks and are suspected to disrupt the endocrine system.
- DEA-related ingredients including MEA and TEA. Used in creamy, foaming products like shampoo, soap and sunscreens, these compounds have been classified by the European Union as harmful with prolonged exposure. They can cause skin irritation, liver and thyroid issues.
- PEG compounds. Polyethylene glycols (PEGs) are used to thicken and soften creams. Pharmaceutically they are used as laxatives. PEGs can be contaminated with 1,4-dioxane, which can cause cancer. Usually listed on the label as PEG-followed by a number such as PEG-100.
- Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES). These foaming agents are commonly found in shampoos, shower gels, and household cleaning products. Over exposure has been linked to problems with the respiratory system, digestion and skin. Instead of harsh cleaning chemicals, opt for natural sources like vinegar and baking soda. If you love fragrance, add a few drops of a citrusy essential oil like lemon, orange or grapefruit to your water.
- Aluminum. Typically used in deodorant, aluminum compounds can also be found in many lotions, creams, and hygiene products. It is thought to be an endocrine disruptor.
Look for products that are natural or contain pure, clean ingredients with no parabens, or check out our Beauty Care from Botanic Choice & Botanic Spa.

Tips for thinking Globally and Acting Locally for Earth
- Leave something better than you found it. How many times have you been at the beach, park or on a city bus and noticed trash? Be the change you want to see – take a few minutes to throw away, or whenever possible recycle things you find.
- Think about our air. It’s no surprise that every car trip adds to air pollution. If you can, walk, ride a bike or use public transportation.
- Update lightbulbs. Using bulbs that are environmentally friendly such as compact fluorescent (CFLs) or LED bulbs can save up to 75% of that used by incandescent bulbs, lowering energy consumption and cost. If every American household replaced one light bulb with a CFL, it would prevent enough pollution to equal removing one million cars from the road. But be sure to also recycle CFLs properly.
- Repair leaks. A leaky toilet can waste 200 gallons a day so, make sure your faucets, showers and toilets are as efficient as possible.
- Save water. Wash only full loads in the dishwasher and washing machine. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth or shaving. Shower instead of filling a tub. Set up a rain barrel to collect water from your gutters and use its contents to water your plants.
- Support local markets. Farmers markets tend to use less, or no, plastic packaging compared to grocery stores and supermarkets.
- Plant a tree. One tree can consume 48 pounds of carbon dioxide (plus other greenhouse gasses) and provide enough oxygen for one person to breathe for two years! Trees help filter the air, limit global warming, and absorb water that would otherwise require filtration.
- Sweep it up. Use a broom not a hose to clean your deck, sidewalks and porch.
- Compost. Start a compost pile in your back yard. Composting provides the perfect environment for seeds to grow.
- Go herbal. Opt for natural herbal products. Since 1910 – long before Earth Day – Botanic Choice’s eco-friendly remedies and clean beauty products have helped millions of people feel and look better, naturally.
Other Ways You Can Go Green
- Use your microwave to cook meals and reheat leftovers. It uses less power than your oven.
- Sweep, not hose, your deck, sidewalks and porch.
- Start a compost pile in your back yard. Composting provides the perfect environment for seeds to grow.
- Opt for natural, herbal products, like those found at www.BotanicChoice.com. Since 1910 – long before Earth Day – their eco-friendly remedies and clean beauty products have helped millions of people feel and look better, naturally.
These are just a few of the many ways you can honor Mother Earth. Living green is good for our planet and it’s good for you too.