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What is the Best Time to Take Vitamins?

 Establishing a consistent daily vitamin routine is an important first step to staying healthy. But is there more you can do to optimize the benefits?  For example, is there a certain time of day that’s more effective? It’s true that some vitamins work best with a meal, some on an empty stomach, some in the morning, others at night. It all depends on the type of vitamin you’re taking since not all of them break down in your body the same way. Use the following guide to discover what is the best time to take vitamins.

Vitamin A

What it does. This fat-soluble vitamin is popular for vision, immune system, skin and reproduction. It also plays a role in keeping internal organs working properly.

When to take it. The best time to take this vitamin is with a meal with fats or oils to help absorb it.


What they do. There are eight different B-Vitamins, but the most popular are B-6, B-9 (folate) and B-12. These water-soluble vitamins ease stress, boost energy and lift mood.

When to take it. Take this vitamin 30 minutes before eating or two hours after a meal. If you have a sensitive stomach, take with a little food.

Vitamin C

What it does. One of the most popular vitamins, this is your classic immune-supporter. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant that fights free radicals. Since your body doesn’t store Vitamin C, you need to replenish daily.

When to take it. The best time to take this vitamin is 30 minutes before eating or two hours after a meal. Buffered forms of Vitamin C are best if you have a sensitive stomach.

Vitamin D

What it does. There are many reasons that over 75% of Americans are deficient in Vitamin D. Spending more time indoors, living in northern latitudes, slathering on sunscreen all contribute. The “sunshine” vitamin is essential for calcium absorption for strong bones and teeth. It also supports heart health, immune system and overall wellness.  

When to take it. Take this vitamin with a meal with fats or oils to help absorb it.


What it does. Helps build and maintain bone strength. While calcium is stored in bones, it’s also essential for muscles and nerves.

When to take it. Since it’s hard for your body to absorb this mineral, break down doses with half in the morning and the other half in the evening.


What it does. A key constituent of hemoglobin, this mineral helps fight fatigue, supports immune system health and plays an important role in delivering oxygen throughout your body. It’s also involved in the production of certain hormones.

When to take it. Take in the morning with Vitamin C or orange juice to boost its absorption. Coffee and dairy can actually interfere with its absorption. While it’s best on an empty stomach, it can sometimes make people nauseous.


What it does. Magnesium plays a key role in more than 300 enzyme reactions in your body, supports strong bones, heart health and good sleep. Some claim it has a calming effect on muscles and the nervous system.

When to take it. Close to bedtime.

When it comes to the best time to take vitamins, consistency is essential; they won’t work unless you take them regularly. However, some may be best taken at certain times of the day for maximum effectiveness. And, as always, check with your doctor to see what’s right for you. 

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